I Build America – Ohio is on a mission to recruit top talent to the industry, which is why we fully support the Associated General Contractors of America’s new “Culture of CARE” program. Culture of CARE, which stands for “Commit, Attract, Retain, and Empower,” seeks to create a more welcoming environment for people of all backgrounds.
This nationwide program got its start in the Pacific Northwest by the AGC of Washington Chapter. Once the association at the national level got wind of the initial concept, they knew they had to spread it across the country. AGC of America saw this initiative as a powerful tool that could support the industry’s greater efforts for diversity and inclusion. They announced their new program in March at their annual conference. Since then, they have provided many resources that promote cultural, ethnic, and gender diversity on the jobsite and in leadership positions for industry members across the country.
Visit the Culture of CARE website here.
This dedication to inclusivity will give the brightest minds and most skilled individuals the opportunity to show their stuff without any prejudice or bias to hold them back from getting the job. Not only will this initiative positively influence individual’s lives, it will help improve construction firms’ overall success. The AGC of America Business Case for Diversity & Inclusion in the Construction Industry shows the economic, safety and productivity benefits that come with expanding construction diversity.
So how can you inspire inclusivity at your workplace? A great place to start is by referring to the Culture of CARE program’s website. Click here for more information.
Then, pledge your commitment to the cause. Those who take the pledge live out the program’s mission. They:
- Commit to supporting a culture of care at every level.
- Attract and promote diversity in the industry.
- Retain and value human relationships with inclusive workplaces.
- Empower every employee to live and work a culture of care.
Once a commitment is made, members receive a variety of tools to establish and support a Culture of CARE in their businesses. When a firm pledges, the AGC of America will work with them directly, providing training resources and best practices guidelines to put their pledge into action. These tools include:
- Sample HR policies
- Exclusive “toolbox talks”
- Anti-harassment and discrimination videos
- Unconscious bias resources
- Jobsite posters
- Hard hat stickers
Leaders can pledge their commitment for their company here. But this initiative isn’t just for firm owners and top team members. Even if you aren’t a leader at your company, you can still prove your commitment to this important cause. Individuals can pledge here.
This is an industry-wide commitment. To truly make a difference in the industry, every person must pledge to create a Culture of CARE. When there is more diversity in the industry, there will be more innovation. The more innovation, the more progress for our industry and, consequently, our communities.
But this initiative is just one piece of ensuring equal opportunity for all. Take the tools provided by the AGC of America and build on them for your firm’s unique solution. We at I Build America – Ohio hope to see a great change over the next few weeks leading up to Culture of CARE Awareness Week, which is just about a month away. Are you ready to commit to a Culture of CARE?