Thanksgiving week is the time when we all start to get a little sentimental. Whether it be nostalgia for family memories from years past or present feelings of gratitude for all that we have, it’s easy to be thankful. This is the perfect time of year to gather around your loved ones and give thanks for all that you have.
The Thanksgiving holiday is an American tradition that’s been a part of our culture since our country was first colonized. Like those first settlers, the construction industry continues to pave the way for progress in our communities. From the very first roads to our complex highway systems of today and simple log cabins to stories-high skyscrapers, the construction industry sets the foundation for our American life. We may take these conveniences and structures for granted every other day of the year, but today, we invite you to spread that gratitude for the industry that creates our communities we know and love.
If you’re in the industry, it’s safe to say that your team is like a second family to you. Uniting in the same goal creates camaraderie unlike anything else. So, celebrate this Thanksgiving holiday appropriately, like you would with your closest family members. What better way to celebrate than with a delicious meal? After all, as the saying goes, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
It doesn’t have to be extravagant – the gesture alone will say so much. You really can’t go wrong with a few pizza varieties from the best local pizza shop or a Thanksgiving-themed meal, complete with the heartiest homestyle dishes. Even a simple dessert bar can go a long way. If you and your team are currently working on a project that requires you to work all hours of the day, a donut and coffee bar will give everything the energy – and motivation – they need to keep going. No matter what you do, saying “thank you” with food is sure to increase project productivity and overall positivity.
If you’re outside the industry, show your gratitude for the construction teams that have helped create the community around you. If possible, say “thank you” in person for specific improvements you’ve noticed – and benefited from. Whether it be helping make the highway you commute on safer or creating the master bathroom of your dreams, be specific as you give thanks.
Even if you can’t say “thank you” directly to a skilled worker, you can with your actions around the jobsite. Thanksgiving is one of the busiest times of year on our highways. Keep safety top of mind throughout your holiday travels, especially around orange cones. Obeying traffic laws and slowing down by a jobsite is the best way to show your thanks.
All of these gestures, both by team leaders and community members, will encourage those that put in the great work day in and day out to continue to help our communities thrive.
We at I Build America – Ohio are grateful for the opportunity to grow an industry that makes a major impact on our local communities. We would like to thank all of you that support this mission. Whether you are a job creator, an education leader, or apprentice, you are making a greater impact than you may realize.
Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!