We’ve talked a lot about what makes a great construction worker on our blog this year. From the thorough training to the on-the-job technique, we’ve covered it all across all types of positions.
Today, we’re shifting our focus to skills that are said to be even more important than technical skills: emotional intelligence (EQ), moral intelligence (MQ), and body intelligence (BQ). All three help to support every member of the construction industry and have the potential to make a major impact on each individual’s success. How much of an impact? According to recent research by the Carnegie Institute of Technology, 85% of a person’s success comes from other traits, not technical knowledge.
Of course, this isn’t to say that your IQ, technical skills, or expertise doesn’t have anything to do with your success. Rather, all types of intelligence must work together. Today, we break down how each of these intelligences helps to create a lasting career in construction.
Let’s start with emotional intelligence, also known as EQ.
People with a high EQ are in touch with their own feelings as well as others’ feelings around them. They know how to regulate their emotions in a range of situations, rather than overreact or retract. They are driven and motivated intrinsically yet, at the same time, care about their external relationships with fellow teammates.
Leadership can support each team member’s EQ by keeping stress levels low and educating everyone on healthy coping techniques to better equip each person in challenging times.
Next, let’s explore moral intelligence (MQ).
MQ is greatly influenced by EQ. Individuals with a high MQ have integrity, take responsibility for their actions, and are sympathetic toward others. These are the type of people you want on your jobsite because they are honest about the work they do and understanding of others who work alongside them.
Every person in the construction industry can benefit from finely tuned MQ. It’s a domino effect: when individuals treat themselves with respect, they receive it from others. When they give others well-deserved respect, it’s given in return. To improve MQ, take responsibility, rather than make excuses. Communicate respectfully, rather than question everyone around. Focus on forgiveness of others as well as self, rather than solely on shortcomings.
Lastly, let’s discuss body intelligence, or BQ.
From the name alone, you might already understand why this type of intelligence is especially important for those working in the construction industry as it is related to how each person cares for his or her body. As you know by now, many skilled trades require manual labor, physical strength, and excellent agility.
All day, every day, our bodies send us signals in regards to our current state. Those with low BQ don’t always listen to or even hear those signals. When those messages are ignored, a person’s energy level, state of mind, and more are negatively impacted. Those with high BQ, on the other hand, know when their bodies have hit their limit and take the necessary steps to restore.
Construction firm owners and leaders need their employees to have a high BQ or risk high turnover. Individuals who ignore BQ cues are sure to end up with burnout. Encourage proper nutrition at every meal as well as adequate rest every day for yourself and others on your team. Make time for brief breaks to refresh mid-shift and focus on restorative after-work activities, rather than health-draining habits like drinking and smoking.
No matter the stage of your career, keep EQ, MQ, and BQ in mind. Together, all three will help you land the position of your dreams or create the perfect crew to make the progress you dream of possible.