I Build America – Ohio is dedicated to celebrating the women of construction. Women are a vital part of our industry, and there are female leaders at all levels of construction work. From foreman to company owners and executives, construction wouldn’t be the industry it is without its female employees. Join us and our partners in celebrating the success of women within your own company and across the nation during National Women in Construction Week 2023.
Name: Tina
Company: Ohio CAT
Title/Position: Sales Representative
Years Working in Construction: 7 years
What was your path to a career in construction?
I originally started my career in telecommunications which I retired from after 21 years in the business. In 2014, I was introduced to the construction industry with a separate rental organization.
What do you like most about working in construction?
When I started with Ohio CAT back in 2019, I was elated to work for such a great organization. I have enjoyed working with them ever since and they are one of the best companies that I have worked for. They truly care about their employees as individuals and that’s what I love about working in this industry. Ohio CAT is focused on customers and core values as it relates to building, support, and service. These are the driving forces behind Ohio CAT’s culture and it dictates how they treat employees, clients, and generally do business.
What do you hope to see in the future for women in construction?
I would like to see women become a more integral part of construction. I feel they frequently shy away from the industry because they might think it’s a man’s world and they will not fit in. There are many obstacles women face but without many female role models in the field to look up to, women may feel there isn’t a place for them in construction.
What advice would you give to a young woman considering a career in construction?
I would encourage girls to pursue their interest in whatever makes them happy and to overcome the barriers that the construction industry brings because it’s truly for everyone! There are many positions that a woman can do in the field from running the equipment, working on the front line in plumbing, electrical, site work, and even supervisor positions.