Name: Carolyn
Company: John G Johnson Construction Co.
Title/Position: Project Manager
Years working in construction: 15
What was your path to a career in construction? Growing up I spent a lot of time “helping” my Dad with projects and developed an interest in how things are built. I earned a bachelor’s degree from The Ohio State University in Construction Management with a minor in Business, and completed an internship with Cahill Construction in Columbus and have continued to grow my experience from there.
What do you like most about working in construction? I love seeing the end result when a project is completed as well as building great relationships with customers, architects, subcontractors, etc. to ensure repeat business and continued success in future projects.
This year’s theme is “Keys to the Future.” What is the key to the future of construction in Ohio? Be ready to adapt to changes in the way things are built with new technology and materials. Continue to support local businesses.
If you were to give young women (high schoolers) advice about beginning a career in construction? Look for a career that you will enjoy. If construction interests you, there are hundreds of roles that you can fill in construction.