Name: Cindy E.
Company: Columbus Equipment Company
Title/Position: Marketing Manager
Years working in construction: 3
What was your path to a career in construction? I started my career in the water industry (5 years) then made my way to the construction industry.
What do you like most about working in construction? I really like being able to connect with everyone in our company and our customers. Our customers work on some pretty awesome projects and it’s awesome to hear about them or see them first hand. I really like that it’s a large community but actually really small, everyone knows someone you might know and those relationships sometimes run very deep.
This year’s theme is “Keys to the Future.” What is the key to the future of construction in Ohio? The key to the future in Ohio is continued progress. We are seeing so much happening now but I am excited to see what the future holds for our infrastructure, housing, etc.
If you were to give young women (high schoolers) advice about beginning a career in construction, what would you say?It doesn’t have to be “a man’s world”. You have to have a thick skin but don’t feel bad about giving your opinions or input – our ideas are just as valuable. Be seen and heard! Take all the opportunities to get in the field and be hands on, sit in on trainings, meet as many people as you can in the industry and get involved – that’s how you gain respect.