Name: Kelsey
Company: Ohio CAT
Title/Position: Employee Relations and Safety Specialist
Years working in construction: 10
What was your path to a career in construction? Prior to working in the construction industry, I grew up on a farm and was involved in 4-H & FFA, serving as the Vice President of our FFA Chapter in high school and I took welding for my fine arts credit in college. I’ve always had an appreciation for those who are hands-on and hardworking. While I was finishing my undergraduate degree at Ohio University, I started working part time at a small painting and general construction/service company in Columbus in an administrative role. From my admin role I transitioned into a training role and then one day “a need for Safety” arose and I became the Safety Coordinator.
What do you like most about working in construction? I don’t get to be “boots on the ground” on many construction sites in my current role, but I do get to interact with customers from a safety perspective, attend industry events and trainings, and observe all of our technicians servicing the machines for sites every day. My favorite thing about construction is the need for all of the people working together to achieve the final product.
This year’s theme is “Keys to the Future.” What is the key to the future of construction in Ohio? I think the keys to the future of construction in Ohio, because I don’t think there is just one, are sustainability and adaptability. In all of central Ohio, we feel the ripple effect of how much Columbus is truly booming. Figuring out how to incorporate as much sustainability into the construction process as well as the growth and development stemming from the final product is critical as is adaptability. The ability to adapt to everything from stringent site requirements during a project, to increased traffic during and after to changes of scenery and even housing and job market changes will be super important for everyone involved in and surrounding the construction in Ohio.
If you were to give young women (high schoolers) advice about beginning a career in construction, what would you say? Never stop learning. If you are able to absorb information from others, learn from your own mistakes and work hard, you will be just fine! This industry can be challenging, frustrating, and exhausting at times, but it is also empowering, rewarding, and exciting.